When Xiaomi first revealed its M1 concept phone, it already looked like a very capable device. Sporting the MIUI Android ROM and a speedy 1.2GHz dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, its estimated street price was expected to be somewhere in the range of $250 — a bargain for the outright purchase of a phone with that kind of hardware. Now the official reveal has happened, and the Xiaomi Phone is even better than expected.
Like the HP TouchPad, the production Xiaomi Phone is being bumped from the original 1.2GHz to a 1.5GHz Snapdragon (a first in China). Along with its beefy SOC, the phone also features Adreno 220 graphics, 1GB of RAM, 4GB of ROM, 480×854 touchscreen display, 8MP rear-facing camera, 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GSM and CDMA support with a dual-antenna design to avoid deathgrip issues. At 5.3 ounces, the phone is slightly heavier than the iPhone 4 — though with a titanic 1930mAh battery, you might be willing to overlook that half an ounce.
The heavily-customized MIUI ROM is front and center, though the Xiaomi phone also features a totally unlocked bootloader so you can flash whatever firmware you like onto it. So far it all sounds pretty darn good, but there has been a little price bump to accommodate the faster chip — it’s now listed at $310, but that’s still a pretty sweet deal.
If you don’t need the extra horsepower, you’ll be able to save a few bucks. There will also be a more entry-level version available at a reduced price, and it’s going to sport the original 1.2GHz Snapdragon. The phones are expected to hit retail shelves in China in about two months, along with accessories like replacement covers in seven colors and matching batteries. Yes, matching batteries.
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