Our men in green are there to make sure that they keep the peace – not only back in the homeland, but around the world as well. After all, if there isn’t a world police, don’t you think we would have all obliterated one another by now in a shower of nukes due to retaliatory attacks? Of course, in their tour of duty, it is safe to say that these brave men and women would have undergone plenty of stress and seen untold horrors – so how are they going to destress in the midst of the battlefield? Taking drugs and booze are definitely two of the wrong choices, but it is a good thing there are healthier alternatives out there – such as playing video games. Then again, you can say that video game consoles aren’t all that tough, and in the event of enemy fire, you might as well kiss goodbye to your saved games whenever a grenade goes off nearby. Ben Heck, modder extraordinare, has come up with a spanking new mod of the Sony PS3 – one that has been ruggedized enough to withstand the rigors of the battlefield.
Ben Heck pays tribute to our troops with a military-grade portable gaming system that was specially designed for a married couple working with the military overseas, and although we would have liked the army to commission a slew of these modded portable PS3s, we don’t think that is possible due to the amount of work required in each individual mod, and no factory is going to change their production line just to make it a reality.
Let’s get back to the lucky couple – Ben’s latest work is the result of a personal request from civilian unmanned aerial vehicle pilots in Afghanistan, Erica and Kris Kokkeby, where this ultimate portable gaming system sports a Sony PlayStation 3 stored within an iM2600 Pelican Storm Case that was specially constructed to withstand extreme gaming situations. The Kokkebys intend to take up gaming as their hobby, where this hardy console will help them pass time and boost morale in-between maneuvers. We definitely look forward to see what else Ben Heck has up his sleeves for future console mods – will a new Xbox 360 that is much more compact roll out? Only time will tell, but keep ‘em coming, Ben.
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