I’m still laughing… since I was a child I had dreams about the future, and how one day, I would be able to sit in my pajamas all day with the TV on and still be able to make the big bucks. I’m not exactly sure how this next product fits into that dream, but I’m having a darn good time imagining it.
The Anybot is a robot that becomes your eyes and ears, anywhere that you are not. It allows you to be a part of whatever’s happening, from wherever you are. Connected via the internet with a Wi-Fi connection, the Anybot utilizes a speaker, camera, microphone and video screen in order to bring your presence to the masses. You can broadcast live video of yourself, or just throw up a still picture for the coveted pajama days I spoke of earlier.
Sit back and imagine if you will, your Wednesday afternoon mandatory sales meeting, attended by your Anybot, while you relax in your local pub with a cold one and your laptop. Your Anybot allows you to interact with the entire office, gliding around quietly, effortlessly, chatting up your fellow employees in real time. Try to imagine the fun at the water cooler. Your Anybot will make sure your presence is felt throughout the entire facility.
It weighs about 35 pounds, plugs into your USB to charge, works with your current operating system and just about any compatible headset… no sick days, no missed fishing trips… or conversely, if you really want to relax a little, keep going to work and leave this at home to keep an eye on your kids.
Available for pre-order for $15,000.
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